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How to fix a 403 error in WordPress?

Error 403 (Forbidden Error) is one of the experiences that many WordPress website owners may have experienced. When you receive this error, it means that the server is denying access to the specific page. Below are some specific solutions that may help you fix this problem.

1. Check the .htaccess file

The first step should be to check the .htaccess file, which is often the source of the problem. The .htaccess file is responsible for configuring the server, and an error in this file can lead to a 403 error. You can log in to your hosting account and then use the File Manager in your control panel (e.g. cPanel) to find the file .htaccess.

We delete the old .htaccess file and generate a new one. To do this:

  1. Log in to the WordPress panel.
  2. Go to Settings > Permalinks.
  3. Click the "Save Changes" button. WordPress will automatically create a new .htaccess file.

2. File permission settings

Another reason for a 403 error may be incorrectly set file permissions on the server. You can check this using the file manager in your hosting panel or using an FTP client such as FileZilla. The correct permissions for directories are 755 and for files 644.

3. Disabling plugins

Sometimes the 403 error can be caused by a specific plugin. Disabling plugins will allow you to check if any of them are responsible for this problem. You can do this through the WordPress admin panel, but if you can't get to it, log in to the server via FTP and go to wp-content/plugins. Then rename the directory of the plugin you want to stop - this will disable it.

4. Install the troubleshooting plugin

There are also specific WordPress plugins that can help you fix the 403 error. One is “WP Htaccess Editor” which allows you to edit your .htaccess file directly from your WordPress admin panel. Another, “All In One WP Security & Firewall”, will allow you to diagnose and fix security issues that may be leading to the 403 error.

5. Contact your hosting provider

If the above methods did not help, contact your hosting provider. They can check if the problem is not on their side and possibly help you solve it.

Remember that a 403 error is often related to configuration or security issues. Checking all of these items should help you find and fix the problem. However, if you are not sure what to do, it is always worth seeking expert advice. The security of your WordPress site should always be a priority.

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