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How to fix WordPress posts that return a 404 error?

The appearance of a 404 error on a WordPress website can be frustrating for users, but also for website owners. This error means that the page was not found, which may be due to various factors such as page deletion, errors in the link structure, or problems with the .htaccess file.

Below are some effective solutions to the problem of WordPress posts returning a 404 error:

Checking and repairing permanent links (Permalinks)

The first step in solving the 404 error is to check and possibly repair your Permalinks settings in WordPress. To do this you need to:

  1. Go to the WordPress administration panel.
  2. Select "Settings" and then "Permalinks".
  3. Select the "Simple" option and save changes.
  4. Then reselect your previous link structure and save your changes again.

Checking the .htaccess file

Another potential source of the problem is the .htaccess file, which is often responsible for website redirects. If it is corrupted, it may cause 404 errors.

  1. Log in to your hosting account and go to your WordPress root directory.
  2. Find the .htaccess file and rename it, e.g. to .htaccess_old.
  3. If the 404 errors stop occurring, then the problem was with your .htaccess file. In this case, create a new .htaccess file by going to your WordPress dashboard, then "Settings", "Permalinks" and saving the changes.

Using a plugin to solve the problem

If the above methods do not help, it is worth considering using a special plugin that will help fix 404 errors. One of them is "Redirection".

  1. Install and activate the "Redirection" plugin in your WordPress admin panel.
  2. Go to "Tools" then "Redirection" and configure the plugin as needed.
  3. The plugin will automatically identify and repair links that return a 404 error.

It's important to remember that a 404 error isn't always the result of a problem with your website. Sometimes it may be due to user error, such as entering an incorrect URL. In this case, the best solution is to make sure that all links on the page are correct and up to date.

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