Anyone who manages a website on WordPress may have encountered a situation where changes made are not immediately visible. This is frustrating, but this problem can be solved. In this article, we will present various methods to fix this problem, from simple to more complex, which include the use of PHP snippets and plugins.
Clearing browser and server cache
Most often, when a page does not update immediately, the problem lies in the browser or server cache. In this case, the first step is to clear your browser cache. For a server, you may need to use a cache management plugin such as W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache. After installing one of them, you can easily clear the server cache in its settings.
Deactivation of problematic plugins
Page not updating can also be caused by some plugins. The solution is to identify and deactivate the problematic plugins. You can do this by deactivating the plugins one by one and checking if the problem goes away. If so, a plugin that you recently deactivated is the source of the problem.
Updating or reinstalling WordPress
Another possibility is that WordPress itself has a problem. The solution may be to update to the latest version or reinstall the system. Always remember to create a backup copy of your website before such operations!
Changing PHP settings
It's possible that the problem is in your PHP settings. In this case, you can try to change some of these settings using a PHP snippet. Here is an example that forces files to be refreshed on the server:
function no_cache() { define('DISABLE_CACHE', true); } add_action('init', 'no_cache');
Using the "WP Rocket" plugin
If the above solutions do not work, you can try using the plugin ""WP Rocket". This paid plugin offers a wide range of features that can help you solve the problem, including cache management, database optimization, and more.
Contacting technical support
If none of the above solutions work, you can always contact your hosting support. Many hosting companies offer support for WordPress issues and may be able to help.
Having trouble updating your WordPress site immediately can be frustrating, but there are a number of potential solutions. These include clearing your cache, deactivating problematic plugins, updating WordPress, changing your PHP settings, using the “WP Rocket” plugin, or contacting support. It’s always worth remembering that every site is different, and what works for one may not work for another. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different solutions until you get the hang of it.