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What does the structure of files and directories look like in WordPress? What are the main files and directories for?

WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) in the world, powering millions of websites. Its file and directory structure is quite clear and logical, which makes it easy to manage and create your own content.

Main directories in WordPress

a) /wp-admin

Catalog /wp-admin contains files and scripts related to the WordPress admin panel. Access to this directory should be limited to users who have administrative privileges to ensure the security of the site.

b) /wp-content

This is the heart of any WordPress site – it contains themes, plugins, images, and all sorts of custom user files. Everything you add to your site (such as plugins and themes) will be in this directory. In the catalogue /wp content there are the following subdirectories:

  • /plugins: This directory contains all installed plug-ins. Each plugin has its own subdirectory where its files are stored.
  • /themes: All installed themes are listed here. Like plugins, each theme has its own directory.
  • /uploads: This directory stores all the files that have been uploaded to the site through the WordPress interface, such as images, PDFs, audio files, etc.
c) /wp-includes

This directory contains files that are necessary for the proper functioning of WordPress. It contains various libraries like JQuery libraries, Atom Lib, SimplePie, etc.

Key files in WordPress

a) wp-config.php

wp-config.php is one of the most important files in your WordPress installation. It contains detailed information about your WordPress configuration, such as database information (database name, username, password, host), unique authentication keys and salts, database table prefix, ABSPATH to your WordPress files, and much more.

You can edit this file to make various settings such as increasing the memory limit, disabling debugging, etc. For example, to increase the memory limit, you can add the following line of code:

define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M');
b) .htaccess

File .htaccess jest używany przez serwery Apache do przetwarzania różnych reguł, takich jak przekierowania, przepisywanie URLi, blokowanie adresów IP itp. W kontekście WordPressa, ten plik jest używany do generowania „ładnych linków” (pretty permalinks).

File .htaccess it might look like this:

# BEGIN WordPress RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule . /index.php [L] # END WordPress

Note, however, that editing the .htaccess can have a big impact on how your site works, so you should always back it up before making any changes.

c) functions.php

File functions.php is included in every WordPress theme and allows you to add features and functionality to your website without having to edit the theme source files. Anything you add to the file functions.php, will be automatically loaded by WordPress.

For example, you can add the following code to register a new menu in your theme:

function register_my_menu() { register_nav_menu('new-menu',__( 'New Menu' )); } add_action('init', 'register_my_menu' );

File and directory management plugins

Istnieje wiele wtyczek WordPress, które pomagają zarządzać plikami i katalogami na Twojej stronie. Na przykład, „File Manager” pozwala na zarządzanie plikami bezpośrednio z panelu administracyjnego WordPress, podobnie jak w popularnych programach do zarządzania plikami, takich jak Windows Explorer czy Finder.

Wtyczka „Advanced Custom Fieldsallows you to add custom fields to your posts, pages, and custom types, giving you extra control over your content and its display.

In conclusion, the WordPress file and directory structure is well organized and logical, which allows you to easily manage the content on the site. Familiarization with this structure is the key to effective work with this system.

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