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Wtyczka Addon Plugin WooCommerce Aweber Newsletter Subscription
2,87 $
Let customers subscribe to the AWeber mailing list. The AWeber Newsletter Subscriptions plugin for WooCommerce gives you the ability to easily integrate your WooCommerce website with AWeber-powered newsletters. Customize your checkout to include a subscription option, or embed the AWeber Web Forms widget in…
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Let your customers subscribe to the AWeber mailing list. The AWeber Newsletter Subscriptions plugin for WooCommerce gives you the ability to easily integrate your WooCommerce website with AWeber based newsletters. Customize your checkout to include a subscription option, or place the AWeber Web Forms widget in any extended area of your site to allow customers to subscribe easily from any page. The WooCommerce AWeber Newsletter Subscriptions plugin also includes a dashboard widget to display subscriber statistics where relevant on the WooCommerce dashboard.
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