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Keywordrush developer plugins

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Wtyczka External Importer Pro – Import Affiliate Products Into WooCommerce | Sklep z dodatkami premium WP
3,01 $
External Importer Pro retrieves full product data directly from store websites. Just enter the product address or auction URL. You don't need to access the API or bother with large CSV files. We've developed a quick, easy-to-use tool…
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External Importer Pro downloads complete product data directly from the shops' websites. Just enter the product address or listing URL. You don't need to access the API or bother with large CSV files. We have developed a quick, easy-to-use product import tool for your WooCommerce catalog. You have full control over the imported data. Pricing and availability will be updated automatically. The plugin will use your affiliate IDs to automatically generate affiliate links for all external products. You keep 100% of earned affiliate commissions. You can also set your own margin on dropshipping products.
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Wtyczka Cashback Tracker Pro | Sklep z dodatkami premium WP
3,01 $
The cashback website is a model for affiliate marketing websites, but it is the next level of this type of website. The owner of the affiliate cashback site will receive the affiliate's commission and "return" part of this commission to the buyer. This will encourage users to shop on the site instead of directly visiting the original…
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The cashback website is a model for affiliate marketing websites, but it is the next level of this type of website. The owner of the affiliate cashback site will receive the affiliate's commission and "return" part of this commission to the buyer. This will encourage users to shop on the site instead of visiting the original stores directly. There are many affiliate sites in the world with product reviews and niche products, but why are cashback sites not so popular among publishers? The answer is simple – the technical side. Cashback websites require much more complex solutions for tracking, API synchronization, and user databases than simple affiliate websites with product feeds. We'll reveal a secret... companies offering cashback pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to create cashback websites. We didn't find any ready-made solution for cashback sites on WordPress and that's why we created this plugin. Now you can create your own rewards community on WordPress with our plugin!
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