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Wtyczka Mainwp File Uploader Extension
2,87 $
It allows you to upload multiple files to all child pages from one place. MainWP File Uploader is an extension developed by Mainwp. The MainWP File Uploader extension allows you to upload multiple files to all its subsites at the same time.
Wtyczka Mainwp Custom Post Types Extension
2,87 $
Allows you to manage posts on child pages from one place. MainWP Custom Post Types is an extension developed by Mainwp. The MainWP Custom Post Types extension allows you to manage almost any custom post type on your child sites, including publishing, editing, and deleting…
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It allows you to manage posts on child pages from one place. MainWP Custom Post Types is an extension developed by Mainwp. The MainWP Custom Post Types extension allows you to manage almost any custom post type on your subsites, including publishing, editing, and deleting custom post type content.
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Wtyczka Mainwp Broken Links Checker Extension
2,87 $
It allows to detect links of broken links on the network and easy use of a central location. MainWP Broken Links Checker is an extension developed by Mainwp. The MainWP Broken Links Checker extension allows you to view broken links on your network in an easy-to-use central location.
Wtyczka Addon Plugin Mainwp Team Control Extension
2,87 $
MainWP TeamControl plugin is extensions developed by Mainwp. TeamWP TeamControl extension allows you to create a team and organize Wordpress management tasks among team members. Some features: Custom roles on MainWP home dashboard Custom permissions on MainWP home dashboard Easy to use And…
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MainWP TeamControl plugin is extensions developed by Mainwp. TeamWP TeamControl extension allows you to create a team and organize Wordpress management tasks among team members. Some features: Custom roles on MainWP home dashboard Custom permissions on MainWP home dashboard Easy to use And more…
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Wtyczka MainWP Time Capsule | Sklep z dodatkami premium WP
2,87 $
With MainWP Time Capsule extension, you can control WP Time Capsule plugin on all child sites directly from MainWP dashboard. This includes the ability to back up child sites and even restore child sites to a go-back point directly from the dashboard.
Wtyczka Mainwp Wordpress Seo Extension
2,87 $
It allows you to manage Yoast SEO on all pages from one place. MainWP Wordpress SEO is an extension developed by Mainwp. MainWP Wordpress SEO extension simplifies the process of setting up and managing Yoast SEO across all your sites.
Wtyczka Mainwp Url Extractor Extension
2,87 $
Allows you to export links from a child page to CSV or TXT using unique tokens in the links. MainWP Url Extractor is an extension developed by Mainwp. MainWP Url Extractor Extension allows you to extract URLs with custom tokens from any post or…
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It allows you to export links from a child page to CSV or TXT using unique tokens in the links. MainWP Url Extractor is an extension developed by Mainwp. MainWP Url Extractor Extension allows you to extract URLs with custom tokens from any post or page on child sites and export them as CSV or TXT file.
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Wtyczka Mainwp Rocket Extension
2,87 $
It allows you to manage Rocket settings on pages from the home page. MainWP Rocket Extension is an extension developed by Mainwp. The MainWP Rocket extension allows you to control WP Rocket settings for all subsites directly from the MainWP main dashboard.
Wtyczka Mainwp Post Dripper Extension
2,87 $
It allows you to publish posts and pages on a managed page using a schedule. MainWP Post Dripper is an extension developed by Mainwp. The MainWP Post Dripper extension allows you to deliver posts or pages to your site network at a pre-scheduled period.
Wtyczka Mainwp Links Manager Extension
2,87 $
It allows you to manage external and internal links on websites. MainWP Links Manager is an extension developed by Mainwp. MainWP Links Manager extension to easily control both external and internal links from posts and pages.
Wtyczka Mainwp Comments Extension
2,87 $
Allows you to manage and moderate comments on child websites from one place. MainWP Comments is an extension developed by Mainwp. The MainWP Comments extension allows you to approve, reject, mark as spam, remove spam, edit and delete comments on all your child sites from one…
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It allows you to manage and moderate comments on child pages from one place. MainWP Comments is an extension developed by Mainwp. The MainWP Comments extension allows you to approve, reject, mark as spam, delete spam, edit and delete comments on all subsites from one place.
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Wtyczka Mainwp Boilerplate Extension
2,87 $
It allows you to delete duplicate posts across your entire web and child pages. MainWP Boilerplate is an extension developed by Mainwp. The MainWP Boilerplate extension allows you to easily create, edit and delete duplicate pages or posts on your child site network.
Wtyczka Mainwp Article Uploader Extension
2,87 $
Defendant uploads multiple articles to a child site in seconds. MainWP Article Uploader is an extension developed by Mainwp. The MainWP Article Submitter Extension allows you to bulk upload multiple articles to sub-sites in just a few seconds.
Wtyczka Addon Plugin Mainwp Piwik Extension
2,87 $
MainWP Piwik plugin is extensions developed by Mainwp. The MainWP Piwik extension allows you to view Piwik data for your child sites in your MainWP dashboard. Some features: Increase your sales Track your stats from one place Profile your audience Easy to use And more…
Wtyczka Addon Plugin Mainwp Post Plus Extension
2,87 $
MainWP Post Plus plugin is extensions developed by Mainwp. The MainWP Post Plus extension allows you to randomize metadata to your content, giving the appearance of multiple active bloggers. Some features: Save your posts and pages in progress as drafts Use random author, date and…
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MainWP Post Plus plugin is extensions developed by Mainwp. The MainWP Post Plus extension allows you to randomize metadata to your content, giving the appearance of multiple active bloggers. Some features: Save your posts and pages in progress as drafts Use random author, date and category Easy to use And more…
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