Advanced shipment tracking with Advanced Shipment Tracking Pro
Transform your WooCommerce store's checkout process with Advanced Shipment Tracking Pro to provide your customers with a smooth and informed experience.
Hassle-free order tracking and fulfillment
With Advanced Shipment Tracking Pro, it becomes easy to add tracking details and manage order fulfillment, right from the Orders page. Provide your customers with real-time tracking information and a shipment tracking link available in their email confirmation and View Order page.
- Tracking individual items: Manage orders shipped in multiple packages or from different locations by assigning tracking numbers to specific items or order items.
- Automatic discovery of shipping service providers: Speed up order processing with our auto-discovery technology that automatically identifies shipping providers based on tracking number format.
Fulfillment panel: centralized control center
Gain insight into your delivery performance and quickly address unfulfilled orders with our comprehensive fulfillment dashboard.
Viewing key shipping metrics and your backorder list allows you and your team to accelerate your fulfillment process right from your dashboard.
An extensive network of shipping service providers
Choose from over 550 global suppliers and carriers, providing your customers with accurate and direct tracking information.
- White label shipping: Personalize your delivery experience by customizing supplier names and logos.
- Create custom providers: Customize your shipping process even further by establishing your own suppliers, complete with custom details and photos.
Personalized email notifications
Enhance your shipping confirmation emails with customizable AST templates so your customers receive only the most relevant information.
Use our built-in WooCommerce email customizer to improve communication and increase customer satisfaction.
Optimize your fulfillment flow
Streamline operations with custom order statuses, notify customers of partial shipments, and efficiently manage virtual orders.
Flexible tracking information widget
Increase customer engagement with a customizable, responsive tracking widget that displays shipping details seamlessly across all devices.
Customize this widget with WordPress' live preview feature, ensuring a consistent experience across email notifications and customer accounts.
Shipment tracking API and supplier mapping
Seamlessly integrate third-party services with our shipment tracking API, enabling automatic updating and fulfillment of orders.
Ensure consistency with our shipping service provider name mapping feature by matching the names of your third-party shipping service providers to the names used in your store.
Integrations with leading shipping services
Automate your workflow with integrations with top shipping label services and courier companies including Ordoro, ShipStation and AliExpress.
Efficient tracking management
- Export to PayPal: Automatically send tracking details to PayPal, reducing chargebacks and quickly eliminating payment holds.
- CSV import: Streamline your tracking process with the ability to bulk import tracking numbers from CSV files.
Compatibility with popular WooCommerce plugins
Enjoy seamless integration with your favorite WooCommerce plugins, including custom order number plugins, email customizers, PDF invoice plugins, and more, ensuring a robust and efficient e-commerce experience.