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Content Views Pro plugin

2,87 $

Developer: Content Views Pro

Version: 7.0

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Content Views Pro plugin

2,87 $

Content Views Pro is the premium version of Free Content Views (popular WordPress plugin used by over 100,000 websites) that helps you display your WordPress content beautifully in easy steps. The more content you have on your site, the more difficult and time-consuming it is to find and display the best content to your visitors.

Content Views Pro helps you find and view the best content quickly and easily with an easy-to-use admin panel. The content can be found by many criteria: taxonomy, custom field, date, author, status, keyword. They each have their own settings to help you customize your results.

For e-commerce, auctions, or other sites, it's crucial to help customers find the content they want quickly and easily. Content Views Pro helps display custom filters to users, enabling them to find what they are looking for quickly and easily. You can display any WordPress categories, tags, custom taxonomies, custom fields as filters. Each filter can be displayed as checkbox, dropdown menu, radio button, range slider, date range.


New software versions are usually available within a few days. New versions can be downloaded at downloads panel or on product pages (while logged in).

If there is no information about the current version number under the developer's name on the product page, you can check it for plugins here , and for templates here.

You can also update multiple plugins and templates with just one click! Only SSH and FTP access is required. You will find more information here.

The option of sending update requests is available only to logged in users.