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Etsy Integration for WooCommerce plugin

2,87 $

Developer: CedCommerce

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Etsy Integration for WooCommerce plugin

2,87 $

Etsy Integration for WooCommerce

Etsy Integration for WooCommerce is a plugin that allows you to seamlessly integrate your WooCommerce store with Etsy. Thanks to it, sellers can easily expand their sales channels and reach a wider group of customers.

Plugin features

  • Seamless integration between Etsy and WooCommerce
  • Synchronization of products, orders and stock on both platforms
  • Ability to directly add products from WooCommerce to Etsy
  • Automatic stock updates for Etsy listings
  • Manage orders from Etsy in the WooCommerce panel
  • Simplifying multi-channel sales
  • Simple installation and configuration process

Benefits of using Etsy Integration for WooCommerce

Etsy integration is a tool that allows you to seamlessly connect your WordPress site to the Etsy marketplace. It brings a number of benefits that can improve the efficiency of your online store:

  • Increasing product exposure: By syncing your WooCommerce products with Etsy, you can leverage Etsy's popularity to reach a wider audience.
  • Simplify your inventory management: You can manage inventory on both platforms from a single interface, eliminating the need to manually update both stores.
  • Order processing automation: The integration automatically imports orders from Etsy into WooCommerce, allowing you to handle orders from multiple channels in one place.
  • Creating a consistent brand experience: By customizing your Etsy shop to match your website's appearance, you can maintain a consistent brand image across both platforms.
  • Access to detailed analyses: Get valuable insights into your sales performance, including revenue, orders and customer data. The dashboard also includes real-time updates on inventory, sales and shipping status.

To sum up, Etsy Integration for WooCommerce offers a powerful set of features that can significantly improve your online business. By leveraging the power of both platforms, you can expand your reach, streamline operations, and increase sales.


New software versions are usually available within a few days. New versions can be downloaded at downloads panel or on product pages (while logged in).

If there is no information about the current version number under the developer's name on the product page, you can check it for plugins here , and for templates here.

You can also update multiple plugins and templates with just one click! Only SSH and FTP access is required. You will find more information here.

The option of sending update requests is available only to logged in users.