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FlyingPress plugin - Taking WordPress To New Heights

2,87 $

Developer: FlyingPress

Version: 4.14.4

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FlyingPress Plugin – Taking WordPress To New Heights

2,87 $

FlyingPress is an all-in-one WordPress website solution that takes care of everything. From page caching to image optimization. Anyone who is not tech-savvy should be able to build super-fast WordPress sites without going through too many tutorials or too many plugins to optimize speed. It should automatically automate all possible optimizations. This plugin gives you these possibilities.

FlyingCDN is not available for this license.

CSS optimization

  • Generating key and used CSS
  • Asynchronously loading unused CSS

Font optimization

  • Self-hosting, embedding and linking of Google Fonts
  • Adding backup fonts on load (swap display)

Page caching

  • Generating static HTML pages
  • Pre-buffering
  • Caching pages in the browser while hovering the mouse

Image optimization

  • Adding missing height and width attributes
  • Pre-caching of key images

JavaScript management

  • Removing render-blocking JavaScript
  • Script delay for user interaction

Lazy loading

  • Lazy loading of images and iFrames
  • Exclusion of images above the line
  • Lazy loading of background images

Database optimization

  • Removal of unnecessary entries and optimization of tables

File replication

  • Automatic file replication across regions

Minification on the fly

  • Offload minification from your server

Image compression and conversion

  • On-the-fly image compression
  • WebP conversion on the fly

Domain personalization and cleaning

  • Connecting a custom domain
  • One-click CDN Cache Cleanup

Adjusting the size of images

  • Delivering images in the correct size depending on the device

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