The WooCommerce Role Based Pricing plugin allows you to set product prices based on the roles of users and individual customers. Prices can be lowered or added to the price by a fixed or percentage amount. After a price change, only certain customer and user roles will see the new prices, while the rest of the customers will see the regular prices. The WooCommerce Price by User Role plugin includes rule-based management that allows you to change prices in bulk for an entire category or selected products. When setting up a price shift, you can choose a minimum and maximum order quantity and restrict customers from purchasing beyond a predefined quantity limit.
You can also hide the price and / or add a button to the cart for non-logged in customers and replace them with custom text and link. If you want to enable the "quote" button for specific user roles, please use the Request a Quote plugin, and to add custom fields in the registration form and assign user roles during registration check out our Custom User Registration plugin.
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