You're trying to try to drive traffic to your WooCommerce store. But your store has low conversion rates. Buyers and viewers do not turn into buyers. They bounce off your website without making a transaction. The problem is that your store is NOT optimized to convert visitors into buyers. And when your store is short of conversion hacks, no matter how hard you try, your users will slip through it without buying. The money they were supposed to pay you would be wasted. XL WooCommerce Sales Triggers increase your conversion rate by implementing 7 powerful conversion triggers. Triggers deployed by well-selling stores such as Amazon, Zappos, Ebay, Sears are now available. The best part: you don't need any coding knowledge to implement it on your store. Just get a license, install the plugin, activate the triggers you want to use and keep an eye on the orders coming in!
To activate, go to the license tab and enter any 10-digit key.