The best time to sell goods right now! Many customers do not buy the goods they need because they are not at home, they often work and do not want to receive it at that particular moment, so they postpone the purchase and no longer buy it. YITH WooCommerce Delivery Date Premium Plugin is perfect for recovering lost customers and creating specialized services such as home delivery of gifts and products.
What the plugin does: You will let your customers choose a specific delivery date for the products they have purchased. One of the most common problems with shipping items purchased online is that you cannot determine when an item will be shipped. The only way to avoid this is to delay your purchase and wait, often forgetting it or losing interest in the product altogether.
YITH WooCommerce Delivery Date is a plugin that will change the way you deal with seller-customer relationships and help you create an efficient shipping and delivery system that will increase your sales! The plugin is perfect to win back lost customers and create dedicated services such as home delivery of gifts and products.
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